Meet our pre-selection jury member: scriptwriter and comedian Milla Tuokkola

This year Northern Script competition will have a lovely pre-selection jury member, scriptwriter Milla Tuokkola. Tuokkola will read all the texts sent into the competition and choose the finalists. All the participants will also receive a short feedback from their texts from Tuokkola.

Northern Script 2021 competition is open until 5th of September so you still have some weeks left to participate. GOOD LUCK! 

Milla Tuokkola

Introducing Milla Tuokkola

Milla Tuokkola is a Finnish scriptwriter and a comedian. She studied scriptwriting for film and television at Bournemouth University in England. After her graduation she worked as a writer for Nickelodeon International in London and Los Angeles. She’s crazy about comedy, having studied improv at the UCB Theater in LA and performing stand-up comedy around the country whenever she can. For the last two years she has been developing, and now writing, a teen drama series for Finnish television.

Milla is very excited to be involved in this year’s Northern Script because she’s passionate about young voices getting a chance to break into the industry. Taking part in scriptwriting competitions like Northern Script are a great way to do just that! Writing to a specific brief such as this year’s theme of “trust” is an effective way to deepen your writing practice and you’ll also get a fresh, new writing sample to boot! That’s what they call a win-win situation.

Milla is looking forward to reading all of this year’s entries. She TRUSTS that they’ll be great!